HR Makes Your Business More Profitable

HR Makes Your Business More Profitable

Your human resources department (HR) covers a lot of territory — much of it cluttered with paperwork — but it really does have a precise business purpose. HR makes your business more profitable, and it does this in three fundamental ways. First, HR protects the...
Can You Regulate Employee Off-Hours Behavior?

Can You Regulate Employee Off-Hours Behavior?

Let’s say a friend saw one of your employees at a social event, and they told you he was engaged in questionable behavior (drinking, foul language, etc.). Managing your employee’s conduct when they’re not on the clock may be a concern. Can you regulate employee...
Is it Time to Update Your Employee Handbook?

Is it Time to Update Your Employee Handbook?

An employee handbook is a powerful tool to communicate your organization’s policies and practices, as well as its values, culture, and vision. It can also form the first line of defense in an employment lawsuit or investigation. Even if you don’t need to update...

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