Effective Job Descriptions to Reduce Turnover

Effective Job Descriptions to Reduce Turnover

Your chances of successfully attracting and keeping a new employee will be much greater if you gave careful thought to the duties of the job and communicated these expectations to a prospective employee. Written job descriptions are an important aid to this...
Unusual Work Schedules: Tips on Administration

Unusual Work Schedules: Tips on Administration

When recruiting for unusual work schedules, such as graveyard or on-call shifts, it’s important to sell the position in the right way. Some people prefer unusual schedules because of their sleep habits, their family’s needs, or their recreational habits; but not...
Lunch Break Policy – Can it be Flexible?

Lunch Break Policy – Can it be Flexible?

One of your full time, non-exempt employees wants to take a 30-minute lunch break instead of the complete hour, while still working until their scheduled time of 5:00 pm. Is this possible? Your lunch break policy can be flexible, as long as you are allowing your...
Workers’ Compensation for Bee Stings?

Workers’ Compensation for Bee Stings?

Yesterday one of your employees went outside for a paid break and was stung by a bee. He’s allergic and had to go the ER. Are you responsible for workers’ compensation for bee stings? Possibly. Whether or not this work injury qualifies for workers’ compensation...

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