Employer Mandate Reporting: A Guide

Employer Mandate Reporting: A Guide

The Affordable Care Act’s “employer mandate” is a requirement that all businesses with over 50 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees provide health insurance for their full-time employees, or pay a per month “Employer Shared Responsibility...

Leave Administration Best Practices

If not managed effectively, an employee’s absence from work – regardless of how short and temporary it may be – can strain resources and morale. Whenever an employee plans to or unexpectedly needs to take time off, these leave administration best...
Does My Business Need an Employee Handbook?

Does My Business Need an Employee Handbook?

Why Do We Need an Employee Handbook? In 2012, there were 99,412 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) discrimination charges filed. A single discrimination law suit can cost a company hundreds of thousands of dollars in defense expenses and settlement or jury...

Filing Employee Records

There are very specific regulations that must be followed when it comes to properly filing employee records. While ever-growing concerns exist in terms of legal compliance and privacy protection issues, having up-to-date employment records and best practices to ensure...
Disaster Recovery Plan Keeps Your Payroll Safe

Disaster Recovery Plan Keeps Your Payroll Safe

Recent storms have been hammering various parts of the country, leaving thousands without power, even now as they continue to recover. These types of unforeseen disasters not only affect people’s personal lives, but they can also severely impact your business…if you...

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