Organizational Spring Cleaning for Your Office

Organizational Spring Cleaning for Your Office

With year-end and first-of-the-year goals out of the way and a lull between holidays, there’s no better time to do some organizational spring cleaning. As many experts in tidying up and clearing clutter will tell you, a clean space with room for movement (both...
5 Ways Manual Timekeeping Costs Your Business

5 Ways Manual Timekeeping Costs Your Business

Still using pen and paper? Here are 5 ways manual timekeeping costs your business: 1. Employee Time Theft Manual time and attendance systems can be exploited in a number of ways from hours padding to buddy punching. Some large employers who switch to an automated...
Maintain and Protect Employment Records

Maintain and Protect Employment Records

Time for a little spring cleaning? It’s not just something to do at home; businesses need to periodically go through their files to maintain and protect employment records. So, what items should be left in an employee’s personnel file? For how long should they...
New Form I-9 Released

New Form I-9 Released

The new Form I-9 was released on November 14. It may now be used, although the old form will remain valid through January 21, 2017. After that date, you must use the new form. We recommend you train all employees who are responsible for completing the I-9 and start to...
New OSHA Anti-Retaliation Provisions are Delayed

New OSHA Anti-Retaliation Provisions are Delayed

Enforcement of the new Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) anti-retaliation provisions has been pushed back to December 1, 2016. Initially intended to be effective August 10, 2016, the provisions were originally delayed until November 1, 2016. The new...

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