New York Corporate Tax Reform

New York Corporate Tax Reform

New FAQ page addresses questions about New York corporate tax reform Comprehensive corporate tax reform for New York State was enacted earlier this year, mostly effective for tax years beginning January 1, 2015. The legislated changes include a new nexus standard,...
Breastfeeding in the Workplace: New York State Law

Breastfeeding in the Workplace: New York State Law

As a logical follow-up to our post about pregnancy discrimination, this post will discuss the law in New York regarding breastfeeding in the workplace. New York State Labor Law provides that an employer shall provide reasonable unpaid break time or permit an employee...
Updated COBRA Model Notices

Updated COBRA Model Notices

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) provides employees the right to continue their health care coverage. Employers should be aware that updated COBRA model notices have recently been released by the Department of Labor. Employers are required to...

E-Cigarettes in the Office

Electronic cigarettes and other vapor products have been on the rise in the past several years. As the popularity of e-cigarettes grows, many people have concerns about the health effects of being exposed to the vapors those products produce. As an employer, can you...

New York City Paid Sick Leave

Beginning April 1st, 2014, certain employers in New York City must comply with a new law covering employees’ right to use sick leave for care and treatment of themselves or a family member. Employers with five or more employees that work more than 80 hours in a...

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