NYS Workers’ Compensation Accident Report

NYS Workers’ Compensation Accident Report

Workers’ Compensation will cover necessary medical bills and a portion of your employee’s wages should he/she become injured or ill as a result of duties. But following an injury or illness, is a NYS workers’ compensation accident report always necessary to...
New York Day of Rest Law

New York Day of Rest Law

According to the New York Department of Labor, the One Day Rest in Seven law (also known as the New York Day of Rest law) requires New York employers to allow a minimum of 24 consecutive hours of rest for employees in any occupation involving factory, mercantile...
Workplace Rules for Students in New York State

Workplace Rules for Students in New York State

Summer is only a few months away, a time when many employers look to hire minors to help out around the office. Some employers hire minors during the school year as well. In either case, it’s important to understand the workplace rules for students in NY. The...
Employee Asked to be Laid Off?

Employee Asked to be Laid Off?

Let’s say you have an employee who has been taking some classes outside of work. Since starting the coursework, her attendance and performance have suffered greatly. She recently came to you and acknowledged that she could not keep up with work and her...

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