How to Avoid Interview Bias

How to Avoid Interview Bias

Summertime is in the air and for some businesses that also requires an increase in seasonal hiring. The hiring steps involve several key components, one of which is the interview phase. Interview bias can result unintentionally. Even the most seasoned of interviewers...
Updated COBRA Model Notices

Updated COBRA Model Notices

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) provides employees the right to continue their health care coverage. Employers should be aware that updated COBRA model notices have recently been released by the Department of Labor. Employers are required to...

E-Cigarettes in the Office

Electronic cigarettes and other vapor products have been on the rise in the past several years. As the popularity of e-cigarettes grows, many people have concerns about the health effects of being exposed to the vapors those products produce. As an employer, can you...
Managing Conflicts of Interest in the Workplace

Managing Conflicts of Interest in the Workplace

A challenging subject for many employers involves managing conflicts of interest in the workplace; the intricate balance between establishing solid relationships with clients, customers, and vendors and ensuring that those relationships do not transition to one that...
Going Green with GTM

Going Green with GTM

It’s Earth Day, a good day to think about how your business can implement environmentally-friendly policies. GTM Payroll Services has been “going green” for many years now with these two products: Virtual Mailroom (VMR) We proudly offer VMR to our...

Hiring Your Own Family to Work for You?

If you operate your business as a sole proprietorship, a single-member LLC (treated as a sole proprietorship for tax purposes), or a husband-wife partnership, here’s a great family tax planning deal: Hire your under-age-18 children as legitimate employees of the...

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