Cyber Security Tips for Small Businesses

How much do you know about cyber security? Small business owners often lack the resources to enact a strong defense against cybercrimes and take for granted that their IT systems are relatively safe. All it takes is for one employee to click on the wrong link and your...
NYS Workers’ Compensation Accident Report

NYS Workers’ Compensation Accident Report

Workers’ Compensation will cover necessary medical bills and a portion of your employee’s wages should he/she become injured or ill as a result of duties. But following an injury or illness, is a NYS workers’ compensation accident report always necessary to...
Weapons in the Workplace

Weapons in the Workplace

Q: We have an employee in our retail store who has demanded to be able to carry a Taser with him while at work. He has threatened to sue if he is not allowed to and is injured at work. How should we handle this? A: You certainly do not have to allow this employee to...

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