Medical Accommodations in the Workplace

Medical Accommodations in the Workplace

If an employee has a disability (a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity), you must consider a medical accommodation for the employee. But it’s important to have enough information to know whether her condition qualifies...
Dress Code in the Workplace

Dress Code in the Workplace

When it comes to a dress code in the workplace, knowing when and where to draw the line can be tricky. It requires a careful balancing of the needs of the business and employees’ expectations not to be micromanaged on matters of personal taste. You can be formal...

Background Check Best Practices

Employers have become well-attuned to the importance of selecting job candidates that are qualified and will fit well with the organization’s culture.  Prior to extending an offer of employment to a viable candidate, background check best practices are to use a...
8 Reasons to Have an Employee Handbook

8 Reasons to Have an Employee Handbook

Employers must establish fair personnel practices and policies, and apply them equally to all staff. Providing each employee with an employee handbook that explains the workplace’s rules, practices, and policies is a necessity, and presents clear advantages to the...
Employees Speaking a Foreign Language at Work

Employees Speaking a Foreign Language at Work

Question: We have some employees who regularly converse in their native Spanish language. This creates an issue because other employees are worried they are being talked about but can’t understand it. How should we handle employees speaking a foreign language at work?...

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