HR Audit to Ensure Compliance

Aug 23, 2016

hr auditHow effective are the human resource functions at your company? Are you on the right path? Are you at risk of fines or penalties? An HR Audit helps determine the effectiveness of the necessary HR function of your business. It represents a systematic, objective tool to assess regulatory or policy compliance in the workplace.

Take our 3-minute online audit and get an objective assessment of your business. You’ll receive an instant evaluation of your current practices in the areas of:

  • Employee Handbook
  • Job Descriptions
  • Job Offers
  • Applicable Laws and Regulations
  • Performance Reviews
  • Recordkeeping
  • New Hire Forms
  • Labor Posters
  • HR Policies

Human resources compliance is not optional. It’s a necessity for your business in today’s legal environment. You need to consider the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), OSHA regulations, sexual harassment, workplace discrimination, and more.

GTM Payroll Services can help you steer clear of trouble with our HR offerings, including unlimited HR consultations to help you effectively and legally handle day-to-day operational and employee issues.

Contact us for more information at (518) 373-4111.

Free Guide to Help Recruit and Retain Employees

Companies of all sizes are experiencing a lot of recruitment and retention challenges in the employment landscape, and a better employee experience is one of the best ways to attract talent and keep workforces happy. Our guide to the Biggest HR Trends shows you the information you need to make smart HR decisions to grow your company and improve your employee experience this year.

Enter your information in the form below to download this free guide.

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