Do You Know Your Labor Audit Liability?

Do You Know Your Labor Audit Liability?

Is your organization at risk for penalties or sanctions in case of a labor audit? By answering the following questions, you can better identify your current labor audit liability. Are Your Timekeeping Procedures Sufficient? Are employee time and attendance records...
5 Ways Manual Timekeeping Costs Your Business

5 Ways Manual Timekeeping Costs Your Business

Still using pen and paper? Here are 5 ways manual timekeeping costs your business: 1. Employee Time Theft Manual time and attendance systems can be exploited in a number of ways from hours padding to buddy punching. Some large employers who switch to an automated...
Biometric Timekeeping: Federal and State Laws

Biometric Timekeeping: Federal and State Laws

Timekeeping technology has advanced greatly in the past decade. The old mechanical time clocks are few and far between, as many businesses now use some form of technology to have employees clock in and out, whether it’s logging into a website, or something more...
Time Tracking Memo to Exempt Employees

Time Tracking Memo to Exempt Employees

With the updates to the FLSA salary level for executive, professional, and administrative exempt employees, some positions will need to be changed to hourly, non-exempt positions. Failure to properly estimate an employee’s hours worked may lead to shocking results...

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