
Merger and Acquisition Services

Merger and Acquisition (M&A) is often cited by businesses as an important and strategic growth strategy. As business environments become more complex, some companies are able to take advantage of available opportunities to acquire or merge with others in similar or complementary industries.

Data shows that due to economic conditions and an aging workforce, the level of M&A activity is set to increase. Key reasons for M&A include:

  • Succession planning
  • Geographic or customer market extension
  • Enhancing business capacity through increased production, sales, or distribution ability
  • Acquiring technical talent and product knowledge that would take too long to develop in-house

Unfortunately, M&A strategy is not risk-free, and research consistently shows that results are often less than anticipated. For example:

  • 75 percent of M&A’s fail or turn out to be disappointments
  • 50 percent of M&A’s lead to lower productivity during the first 4-8 months
  • Almost 50 percent of key people in target companies leave within the first 12 months

(Sources: CFO Magazine, Business Week, Fortune) 

GTM as Your Merger & Acquisition Business Partner

We believe a successful M&A strategy requires the implementation of a comprehensive human resources analysis and a strong HR strategic plan. GTM acts as a business partner in implementing the strategy in the M&A plans. Our consultants are experienced in:

  • Analyzing M&A strategy from a people and leadership point of view
  • Defining the capabilities needed to manage in the new business model
  • Assessing people and teams against the capability model
  • Selecting Integration Manager and project teams
  • Coaching key people in new roles
  • Developing existing capabilities and new behaviors
  • Recruiting missing capabilities
  • Mitigating risks in employment law compliance and HR best practices
  • Implementing change management and organization development strategies

HR services are offered through GTM HR Consulting Inc.


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