Employer Mandate Penalty: How to Avoid it

Employer Mandate Penalty: How to Avoid it

The Employer Mandate (also known as the Employer Shared Responsibility Payment) is the Health Care Reform provision that requires all employers with 50 or more full time equivalent employees to offer a certain level of health insurance coverage at an affordable rate...
Employer Mandate Reporting: A Guide

Employer Mandate Reporting: A Guide

The Affordable Care Act’s “employer mandate” is a requirement that all businesses with over 50 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees provide health insurance for their full-time employees, or pay a per month “Employer Shared Responsibility...
Affordable Care Act FAQ for Employers

Affordable Care Act FAQ for Employers

At this point, most employers understand the basics of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) but they may still have questions about many of its details. The IRS recently issued a series of Q&As to help answer some specifics. Here are selected questions from the IRS,...
Health Care Reform Changes for Employers

Health Care Reform Changes for Employers

Updating previous information about health care reform changes for employers, this year was anticipated to be a monumental one with respect to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. However, with the one-year delay of the employer mandate (the provision of...
2014 Health Care Reform Provisions

2014 Health Care Reform Provisions

It’s vital to stay abreast of changing labor laws that may affect your organization.  The beginning of the calendar year is a popular time for labor law changes that impact companies of all sizes.  The most rapidly changing area of federal labor law at this time...

Impact of Affordable Care Act Provisions

The following charts provide a summary of provisions within the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and their impact on the different funding types and lines of business. This is subject to change as additional guidance and information are received, and should only be used for...

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