Business Payroll and HR Blog
Can Minimum PTO Policies Help With Attraction and Retention?
Minimum PTO policies can help create a happier and more productive workforce, but employers must ensure it’s the right decision for their organization.
Can Skills-based Hiring Give You a Recruiting Advantage?
Skill-based hiring can be an effective way to find qualified candidates that meet an organization’s needs.
6 Ways a Small Business Can Cut Costs and Save Money
By planning properly and understanding effective cost-cutting approaches, small businesses can identify and reduce the costs that will have the most impact on their organizations.
Should You Increase Wages to Attract and Retain Employees?
It’s unclear how long employers will be able to increase wages and offer competitive benefits to attract workers and retain existing employees.
What Does the Future of Work-From-Anywhere (WFA) Arrangements Look Like?
American workplaces have changed drastically over the past three years. The COVID-19 pandemic propelled remote work into the spotlight and created new working norms. In fact, many employees now work remotely or could if they wanted. The increase in remote workers...
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA): What Employers Need to Know
These Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) basic questions and answers will help employers manage their employees’ leaves.
4 Attraction and Retention Trends to Monitor in 2023
Four attraction and retention trends in 2023 include flexibility, mental health support, learning development, and a culture of belonging.
New Federal Laws Expand Pregnancy and Nursing Accommodations
Employers must provide break time and privacy for nursing mothers and accommodations for pregnancy, childbirth, and related conditions.