Business Payroll and HR Blog
Tracking Employees with GPS
Installing a global positioning system (GPS) in company vehicles and employer-provided phones makes sense on several levels, including for the safety of the employees using them. But if you use a GPS to track the location of employees who work offsite, you might begin...
New York Day of Rest Law
According to the New York Department of Labor, the One Day Rest in Seven law (also known as the New York Day of Rest law) requires New York employers to allow a minimum of 24 consecutive hours of rest for employees in any occupation involving factory, mercantile...
Managing Harassment Complaints
Many employers feel unprepared once they've received a report of workplace harassment. To protect the affected employee(s), and your organization, it is best to start an investigation. Proper preparation for effectively managing harassment complaints that may arise...
“Working Interviews” – Advice and Guidelines
As part of an interview, some companies like to bring in a candidate to spend the day shadowing one of their team members. These types of interviews are known as “working interviews,” and if a candidate does follow an employee for a day, the candidate would need to...
Workplace Rules for Students in New York State
Summer is only a few months away, a time when many employers look to hire minors to help out around the office. Some employers hire minors during the school year as well. In either case, it's important to understand the workplace rules for students in NY. The New York...
Bring Your Child to Work Day
Thursday, April 23rd is National Bring Your Child to Work Day (BYCTWD). This day was originally designed to bring daughters to work to teach young women about careers and occupational opportunities. Today, this has evolved into a learning event to teach all children...
Employee Smells Like Cigarette Smoke – What Can You Do?
Q: Our new employee smells like cigarette smoke. Is there a delicate way to ask him to not smell like smoke? A: Employee odors, whether natural or artificial, are a common and complex workplace problem. Telling an employee that their scent is not acceptable in the...
FMLA Revised Definition of Spouse
Recently the Department of Labor issued a final rule, effective March 27, 2015, that updates and expands the definition of spouse for purposes of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Under this FMLA revised definition of spouse, eligibility under the FMLA will be...