Business Payroll and HR Blog
GTM’s 25th Anniversary Party
Celebrating 25 years in business with our staff, family, friends, clients, and partners at the Desmond Hotel in Albany! Click on the photos to enlarge.
New W-2 Filing Deadline in January
Employers that do their own payroll need to be prepared for a new W-2 filing deadline – January 31, 2017, which is much earlier than in previous years. There is some relief, however, for small errors.
Office Donation Drive: 7 Tips for Success
An office donation drive can be a great way to build morale among your employees and create a community-minded reputation for your business. Here are some tips to organize a successful drive.
New Form I-9 is Coming
The new Form I-9 is coming this November and will contain features to help employees complete it faster and more accurately, but penalties for Form I-9 errors have increased for employers.
Progressive Discipline Before Termination
When used to give employees with behavioral or performance problems time and opportunity to improve, using progressive discipline before termination demonstrates good faith. And if the process results in termination, you can show it was for cause.
Prior Workers’ Comp Claims – Can You Ask an Applicant?
Asking about prior workers’ comp claims and an applicant’s personal history of work-related injuries is not recommended and may violate federal law. Read about our advice for this situation in the hiring process.
Political Discussions in the Workplace
You’ll no doubt overhear political discussions in the workplace as we get closer to the presidential election, maybe even a heated argument or two. Read about our advice for employers on how to handle this potentially emotional issue.
Succession Planning Advice for Businesses
Strategic successive planning often greatly influences business decisions. Read some advice on hiring and preparing employees to fill key leadership roles within the company.