4 Ways to Keep Your Employees Motivated During the Summer

Jul 24, 2018

keep your employees motivated during the summerHave you noticed your employees getting a little distracted this time of year? The warm weather and outdoor activities of summer may take a toll on your workers’ concentration. If you’re noticing a lack of focus among your staff between June and September, consider the following ways to keep your employees motivated during the summer:

Encourage your employees to step outside for at least 15 minutes each day. 

Exposure to natural sunlight can prevent workers from feeling confined to the office during the warm summer months. Holding business meetings outside may also help to boost workers’ morale.

Change things up!

Employees may become more motivated when their jobs are more challenging and interesting. Consider lateral moves to build your workers’ skill levels and knowledge base.

Create opportunities for casual interaction.

A company sports team, a family day or an outdoor after-hours social event can keep your employees engaged and interested in each other and in their workplace.

Consider flexible working arrangements.

Arrangements such as flextime or staggered work hours may allow employees to enjoy summer activities and attend to family obligations while coming to work refreshed. It’s a good idea for employers to work with a knowledgeable employment law attorney when creating policies on flexible working arrangements, to ensure policies and practices are in compliance with the law and do not unlawfully discriminate against certain employees.

Of course, motivation doesn’t stop when summer ends. Here are a few more strategies that may motivate your employees to contribute to your businesses performance:

  • When the jobs are more challenging and interesting, employees may find they feel more accomplished and satisfied.
  • Get to know your employees–learn about their interests and what is important to them.
  • Recognize employees’ efforts and achievements by personally thanking them for a job well done.
  • Publicly recognize your employees by highlighting achievements at meetings, and on the company intranet.

Engagement is another component of employee motivation, and GTM’s HCM solution provides it through useful tools like social engagement, idea sharing, continuous feedback, notifications and alerts, and collaboration across the entire organization. Request a free quote on our HCM solution today.

Source: “4 Ways to Keep Your Employees Motivated During the Summer” by Zywave

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