Workforce Scheduling
What is Workforce Scheduling?
Given the new hybrid work reality, businesses increasingly face the need to handle more complex scheduling scenarios—yet also seek ways to minimize disruption to employee experience. That’s why effective workforce scheduling is vital to an organization’s success. But incorporating a solution that keeps a business running smoothly does not just impact your bottom line—it impacts your people. When you make work life easier for employees, it can pay off across every operational function.
Companies with more complex scheduling needs – typically those in hospitality, retail and healthcare – demand robust scheduling solutions for identifying staffing opportunities and challenges from which to swiftly act upon.
Workforce scheduling can improve the employee work/life balance by empowering employees to request shifts or ask for shift coverage and improve collaboration between employees and managers on schedule availability.
GTM’s Workforce Scheduling Solution
Are you fully optimizing your staff? Do staffing shortages impact your ability to deliver exceptional service? Are employees experiencing burnout and frustration due to understaffing? Meeting productivity and service demands with sufficient staffing is a win-win. The expectations of both your employees and customers are better met and your business prospers.
As an enhancement to isolved, GTM’s HCM platform, isolved Workforce Scheduling allows employers to quickly schedule employees as large groups or an entire organization. Quickly categorize employees, set schedules, communicate shift shortages and requirements, and predict future workforce needs—all within isolved People Cloud.
isolved Workforce Scheduling provides for the secure creation, management, and visibility of employee schedules within a company’s existing isolved People Cloud experience. isolved Workforce Scheduling removes the confusion and complexity around staff coverage and allows business leaders to focus on core business operations by enabling agility, predictability, and real-time communication.
You can set rules for assigning shifts across employees; determine who is responsible to work each shift; quickly view when employees are unavailable to work; notify employees when schedules are created; manage shift and coverage requests and more.
Workforce Scheduling Features and Benefits
isolved Workforce Scheduling addresses even more complex requirements and allows you to:
- Set customizable values for how employees are counted per shift—number of work hours, occupancy percentage, number of beds
- Build staffing rules around employee count types and number needed per day
- Quickly add employees to shifts from a graphical scheduler view
- Assign employees directly to a shift versus a larger role
- Send notifications to employees who are eligible to fill open shifts
- Predict staffing requirements across employee groups and time periods
Our workforce scheduling solution provides for the secure creation, management, and visibility of employee schedules. Let isolved Workforce Scheduling remove the confusion and complexity around staff coverage and allow you to focus on core business operations. You will:
- Increase employee satisfaction and retention
- Provide an open employee communication platform
- Maintain compliance with local, state and federal labor laws
- Gain visibility on staffing challenges and opportunities
- Streamline manual scheduling processes
- Shift focus to value-added business operations
In addition, our workforce scheduling solution gives you:
- Flexible setup for shifts and schedule parameters
- Access to shift templates for recurring schedules
- Fast, easy approval process for shift swapping
- Ability to keep employees informed when schedules go live
Learn more about how Workforce Scheduling can help you boost customer experience and employee engagement by better syncing the fluctuating demands on your business with equivalent service delivery.
Request a free consultation and demo to learn more about how this technology can help your business grow.
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