Automated Time and Attendance
Benefits of Automated Time and Attendance
Manual time and attendance processes need to be left in the past – especially if your organization is using a hybrid work model. Technology that automates processes can boost productivity for your HR team. For instance, solutions that consider labor needs and forecast the future make it simple for your team to build out employee schedules and monitor attendance. Modern technology also makes schedules available from a central location that every employee has access to – regardless of where they are working.
When it comes to processing timecards, your HR team doesn’t need to waste time collecting time sheets from a disbursed workforce. Plus, illegible handwriting or inaccurate data entry can lead to payroll mistakes that later need to be corrected. This is inefficient, hinders productivity and isn’t a good experience for anyone involved.
Advantages of Automated Time Tracking
- Real-Time Reports: you and your employees have all the information at your fingertips, so everyone is on the same page and making good decisions.
- Automated Data Collection: No entering data manually.
- Mobile Access: Check reports from anywhere, and timesheets can be submitted, reviewed, and approved, all from a mobile device.
- Simplify Payroll: Integrated payroll-ready time and attendance data means no manual input, and no mistakes.
- Eliminate Buddy Punching: Ensure that your employees are recording time and attendance in person. Biometric time and attendance can help you control time theft, buddy punching, and fraud.
- Reduce Unplanned Overtime: Intelligent clocks help your employees avoid early and late punches, and reduce clocking errors with prompts that eliminate wrong punches and the need to review time cards.
- Geofencing: Helps ensure that your employees are clocking in and out from where they should be. Geofencing restrictions assures you have a reliable record of employee time on the job.
- Employee Self-Service: Allows employees to access their current time and attendance records and PTO accruals, giving them the answers they need in a secure login environment, so you spend less time tracking down data for employee requests.
Employee Time and Attendance Tracking and Scheduling
Wage and labor laws are always changing, and businesses need to adjust and adapt in order to comply with law changes and keep growing. One way to not only stay compliant but to also reduce labor costs is with our automated time and attendance solution.
Take the hassle out of collecting, tracking, and reporting employee time
If you’re manually tracking employee time or using a third-party solution to manage your time and attendance, you need to see what a difference our HCM time and attendance module can make. isolved® fully integrates with the other features, which means no more exporting, importing, or duplicate data entry. All of your time-tracking needs are managed right within the system.
The Time & Attendance features in isolved People Cloud allow employers to track and monitor meals, breaks, and overtime, calculate and manage comp time, set up geofencing to track employee locations when they clock in and out, monitor errors, and manage other time policies for complete and accurate time cards.
The isolved technology is the nerve center of your time & attendance system. It connects various methods of time collection such as physical time clocks, the isolved mobile app, or even self-service, providing maximum flexibility no matter where your employees are located or how they work.
isolved Time & Expense was born in the cloud, and engineered for the small-to-mid-sized employer. It offers simple, intelligent navigation, robust reporting and powerful configuration options.
What you’ll find in isolved Time & Attendance:
- Advanced scheduling tools for shift and schedule setup, eligibility, coverage requests, and instant alerts
- Graphical calendar look
- Can drag, move, copy and change time
- Easy allocation of hours
- Daily, weekly or pay period view
- Single screen views to see totals and earning codes
- Punch alert error
- Drop-downs that tie to labor fields
- Easy management of comp time
- Simple, fast and efficient
- Only set up data once as everything is from one data source
- Set up geofencing locations to monitor where employees are clocking in and out
- See earnings codes on check stubs
- Rule-driven approach to earning codes (don’t have to maintain earning code mapping from time to payroll)
- Easy payroll closing at the click of a button in just minutes
- Jump to any time period
Automated Time Scheduling & Attendance Module
isolved Time & Expense can be extended to include scheduling as well. With the Scheduling and Attendance module, isolved Time & Expense allows employers to build schedules, monitor attendance and be alerted to exceptions.
For many managers and supervisors, scheduling employees and tracking their attendance are some of the most difficult and time consuming aspects of their jobs. isolved Time & Expense: Scheduling & Attendance Module is now available to help reduce the time spent on employee scheduling and tracking attendance. This new module allows you to easily build employee schedules, monitor attendance, and compare schedules vs. time worked. And because it is native to isolved, all data is immediately accessible for accurate payroll processing.
Features and Benefits:
- See a schedule layer on the employee’s timecard, allowing for immediate access to see whether that employee worked his or her shift, reported in late or out early, or missed the shift altogether
- Build customized attendance rules based on their criteria and assign employees to the appropriate shifts
- Accommodate three different types of schedules: single shift, open shift, and multi-level
- Hourly, daily, and monthly views
- Shows both absences and holidays on the schedule
- Copy and/or move shifts from one employee to another
- Copy a single employee schedule to multiple employees
- Copy all employees’ schedules forward
- Click and drag select for adding a shift to a single employee
- New Scheduling Reports: Employee Attendance Variance, Employee Attendance Report and Employee Attendance Export
Learn more about isolved’s Workforce Scheduling module.
You’ll be surprised at the savings you’ll get with a fully integrated HCM solution. But don’t take our word for it – use this HCM ROI calculator to see how much you can save each year by using our HCM solution instead of doing it all on your own.
Request a free consultation and demo to learn more about how this technology can help your business grow.
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