Why Do You Need a Learning Management System (LMS)?

May 16, 2022

uses benefits learning management system lms

Companies of all sizes are turning to a learning management system (LMS) more and more to access the benefits of learning and training opportunities, which directly impact employees and their abilities to progress and build their skills. Our human capital management partner, isolved, offers this look at some specific uses and benefits of an LMS for your business.

Welcome to LMS 101

When training and onboarding employees, about 9 in 10 employers offer digital learning opportunities.¹ More often than not, this is made possible by a learning management system. Let’s dive into LMS essentials and use cases – and why they matter to companies across all industries.

LMS, Defined

An LMS is a software solution designed to help organizations source, create and deliver educational content and training programs. This type of application also comes with administration, tracking, and reporting capabilities to provide visibility across the company.

Top 5 LMS Features to Look For

  1. A user-friendly online portal your staff can access from anywhere, on demand.
  2. Pre-loaded courses populated with engaging, multimedia content.
  3. Easy tools for developing custom courses and training paths.
  4. Quizzes, certifications, and gamification features to keep participants motivated.
  5. Advanced reporting capabilities for easier tracking.

LMS Use #1: Keeping Remote Employees Connected

Cloud-based learning management systems have always been helpful for training offsite employees. Online training programs are easy to implement from a distance and provide HR with access to consolidated reports and dashboards for improved visibility. A robust LMS keeps track of course completion rates and employee performance, even when workers carry out job responsibilities from home.

Why it matters

With some 88% of companies abruptly switching to a work-from-home model in the spring, this past year has underscored the critical importance of having tools in place to support and sustain a remote workforce.²

As employers have found in the wake of COVID-19, an LMS can make rolling out new safety trainings and company policies faster and more effective. This is especially important as plans and processes change and employers strive to engage much of the workforce from a distance.

LMS Use #2: Onboarding and Training New Hires

Increasingly, learning and development professionals spend less time offering instructor-led training. Instead, they spend roughly 29% of their time on creating or sourcing educational content and programs for their workforce.³

Using an LMS, administrators can create custom course paths for different roles or departments. With each guided path featuring easily consumable content, new hires can work through important training and onboarding materials at their own pace.

Why it matters

Workplace learning studies have shown that most professionals value the flexibility offered by an LMS. A reported 68% of employees prefer learning at work and 58% prefer learning at their own pace.¹

Whether used for remote or on-site training, an LMS can save a significant amount of time for HR and management while improving the onboarding experience.

LMS Use #3: Supporting Professional Development Efforts

The value of a learning management system doesn’t stop after new hires are fully ramped. Instead, staff members at all seniority levels can continue using an LMS for advanced training and certification courses.

Despite juggling busy workday schedules, more than half of employees (56%) are willing to dedicate more time to learning if a manager steps in and suggests that they take a particular course to improve their skill set.¹

Why it matters

These types of internal professional development programs show an investment in the workforce, which can help boost employee engagement while upgrading skill levels across the company. LMS use can even promote employee retention: A staggering 94% of employees would stay with a company that supported their career development.¹

LMS Use #4: Conducting Compliance Training

Pre-built or customized courses loaded into an LMS can bring workers up to speed on HR compliance and other important matters. While hours-long training workshops might be a tough sell, easily consumable content issued on a regular basis can keep team members compliant.

Why it matters

Keeping up with changing regulations and training employees on the latest policies are two top compliance challenges business leaders face.⁴ An LMS can help companies more easily keep up with changing regulatory environments and maintain good compliance training records.

1. LinkedIn 2018 Workplace Learning Report
2. Gartner HR Survey – Press Release
3. LinkedIn 2020 Workplace Learning Report
4. Navex Global 2016 Ethics & Compliance Policy Management Benchmark Report

Benefits of GTM’s Learning Management System

Execute your organization’s online growth objectives with Learn & Grow, an end-to-end learning management system for continuous career growth and feedback. Part of the isolved HCM platform, you’ll get access to a pre-built library of over 150 courses with learning paths on key topics, while measuring and guiding individual and collective progress. Plus you’ll set your company apart by offering personal and professional wellness opportunities, customizing paths for career growth, and providing feedback on training attainment. Request a free quote today.

Free HCM Brochure

To efficiently manage your payroll, HR, timekeeping, benefits, and more, you need all employee data accessible 24/7 from a secure, cloud-based solution. No duplicate data entry, no importing and exporting. You’ll reduce errors, increase productivity, and save time with isolved, GTM’s payroll and HR platform.

Enter your information in the form below to download GTM’s HCM brochure.

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