Final OSHA Rule Changes

Final OSHA Rule Changes

Just issued were the final OSHA rule changes to its Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses regulation. The rule will require certain employers to electronically submit injury and illness data. It also prohibits employers from discouraging...
How to Determine the True Cost of an Employee

How to Determine the True Cost of an Employee

If your business is interested in cost analysis, bidding jobs, or pro forma financial statements, you need to know how to determine the true cost of an employee. Calculating the true cost of an employee is more complex than most people realize. First, you need to...
5 Best Business Practices for Restaurants

5 Best Business Practices for Restaurants

You may have heard about the recent lawsuit against a popular local restaurant, in which tipped employees have claimed they were made to perform non-tipped job duties. This demonstrates the common problems restaurants may face regarding confusion about wage reporting...
Workers’ Compensation for Bee Stings?

Workers’ Compensation for Bee Stings?

Yesterday one of your employees went outside for a paid break and was stung by a bee. He’s allergic and had to go the ER. Are you responsible for workers’ compensation for bee stings? Possibly. Whether or not this work injury qualifies for workers’ compensation...

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