
New York Sexual Harassment Prevention Resources

As part of Governor Cuomo’s 2018 Women’s Agenda for New York: Equal Rights, Equal Opportunity, every employer in New York State is required to adopt a sexual harassment prevention policy and provide employees with sexual harassment prevention training.

The sexual harassment prevention policy must be published and distributed to all employees by October 9, 2018. The policy can be adopted directly from the state’s model, or employers can create their own, as long as it meets at least the minimum standards outlined by the state.

Employers must implement a sexual harassment prevention training program and have all staff trained by October 9, 2019, and conduct it on an annual basis. As with the policy, employers can adopt the state’s model training program, or implement their own, as long as it meets at least the minimum standards provided by the state.

Here are some helpful links and resources to ensure you have all the tools you need to stay in compliance with the regulations.

For Employers

Overview of final sexual harassment requirements – this article lays out what the requirements are for New York employers, including information on the policy and training employers must implement.

Employer Sexual Harassment Prevention Toolkit – a comprehensive look at the all the employer requirements, including links to documents.

Model Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy – a comprehensive policy document that employers can modify to insert their business information.

Model Sexual Harassment Policy Standards – for employers creating their own policy document, describes in detail what must be included in an employer’s sexual harassment prevention policy.

Model Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Program – a comprehensive training program that employers can modify to insert their business information.

Minimum Sexual Harassment Training Standards – for employers creating their own training program, describes in detail what must be included in an employer’s sexual harassment prevention training.

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Presentation – a complete presentation for employees that covers all of the requirements of the training program.

Sexual Harassment Training Case Studies – six examples to use during your training on instances of sexual harassment.

FAQs – a list of questions and answers for employers about the sexual harassment laws.

For Employees

Employee Sexual Harassment Prevention Toolkit – a comprehensive look at the all the new requirements, including links to documents and resources for workers who experience harassment.

Model Complaint Form – for employees looking to report a claim of sexual harassment, use this model form and insert your own information.

How to File a Complaint – this is the state’s online site for getting information on harassment and filing a claim.

FAQs – a list of questions and answers for employees about the sexual harassment laws.

Get all the information about these laws here.

Contact us for more information at (518) 373-4111.







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