New York Annual Wage Notice No Longer Required

Jan 7, 2015

new york annual wage noticeAt the end of 2014, Governor Cuomo signed the bill eliminating the New York annual wage notice requirement under the Wage Theft Prevention Act that employers in New York provide to their employees. The New York State Department of Labor has included the following statement on its website:

“On December 29, 2014, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo signed a bill eliminating the requirement that before February 1 of each year, employers notify and receive written acknowledgement from every worker about their rate of pay, allowances, pay day, etc. According to the signing statement, legislative leaders and the Governor have agreed to a chapter amendment to make this change effective immediately. Accordingly, given the pending enactment of this chapter amendment, the Department will not require annual statements in 2015.”

Please note that this bill still requires that employers provide wage notices to all new employees upon hiring. Also, employers must provide a new wage notice for any reduction in an employee’s rate of pay, except for employers in the hospitality industry. For those employers, a new notice is needed every time an employee’s pay rate goes up or down.

Please contact GTM at (518) 373-4111 should you have any questions or need more information.

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