New OSHA Reporting Website Announced

Aug 9, 2017

new osha reporting websiteLast month it was announced that a new OSHA reporting website was being launched for electronic injury and accident reporting. Electronic injury and accident reporting was slated to go into effect for certain large employers on July 1, 2017, but was put on hold. OSHA has published a notice of proposed rulemaking to extend the deadline to December 1, 2017.

Employers subject to OSHA recordkeeping should continue to maintain hard copies of OSHA Form 300, Form 300A, and Form 301, as they have in the past.

Ensure your organization is compliant with OSHA by downloading this checklist, an overview of the requirements. GTM will continue to update our clients about this issue as necessary.

For more information, contact us at (518) 373-4111.

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