Dogs in the Workplace Policy

Oct 27, 2015

dogs in the workplace policySeveral articles have been written in recent years about the benefits of employees bringing their dogs to the office. While it can boost employee morale and increase production, it obviously opens up other issues that need to be addressed in order to maintain a safe, healthy work environment for all employees.

Please review the sample Dogs in the Workplace Policy below, and feel free to customize and use it for your business if this a program you wish to implement.

Dogs in the Workplace Policy

[Company Name] recognizes the value of dogs in the workplace to promote employee satisfaction. The appropriateness of bringing a dog into the office will be determined on a case by case basis that takes into account potential risk versus benefits to the customers, employees, and the dog. Bringing a dog into the workplace is a privilege and employee benefit that may be revoked at any time for any reason.

To ensure that dogs are integrated into the workplace appropriately, the following procedures will promote and maintain a safe and healthy environment.

The Dog Owner

  • Will request and obtain approval from his/her manager prior to bringing a dog to the workplace.
  • Along with manager, will check with others in the work environment before bringing a dog to ensure that there are no concerns, such as allergies, or fear of animals.  In the event of legitimate health concerns, the dog may not be brought to that area unless it is required for disability accommodation.
  • Will care for the dog in a responsible way that ensures the safety of those in the workplace, as well as the safety of the dog.
  • Will have the dog regularly checked by a veterinarian, and provide documentation of required vaccinations and health status.
  • Will have dogs collared and a leash available at all times.
  • May be asked not to bring their animal to the workplace if it soils indoor areas until the problem is remediated through housebreaking or medical care.
  • Will provide food and water for the dog in an appropriate area, and clean up any messes related to feeding and watering.
  • Will remove and properly dispose of excrement deposited in outdoor areas promptly.
  • Will prohibit the dog from entering food preparation and/or eating areas.
  • Will assume responsibility for ensuring that the dog has an opportunity to relieve itself.
  • Will perform an occasional thorough cleaning of areas frequented by the dog to remove hair and smells.
  • Will be responsible for any undue wear or damage to [Company Name] property that may be caused by the dog.
  • Will not leave the dog unsupervised in a vehicle if it creates a health risk to the animal.
  • Will be personally responsible for any injuries caused to individuals or any damage caused to property by the dog including assuming financial responsibility for any damage to property or individuals caused by the dog, or injuries sustained by the dog in the workplace. [Company Name] is not responsible for injuries that may occur to the dog.
  • May be asked to discontinue bringing their dog to the workplace if the relevant policy and procedures are not upheld.

The Dogs will

  • Be well socialized and in a clean, groomed, healthy condition with no fleas or other parasites.
  • Be well-behaved (not aggressive towards people or other animals). If a dog becomes unruly, or bites a person or another dog for any reason, the animal will be secured and not allowed to return to the premises.
  • Be under the control of their owner at all times.
  • Be housetrained.
  • Be licensed according to the law, with current identification tags.
  • Not interrupt the work of others by barking or otherwise causing a disturbance.

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