Disaster Recovery Plan Keeps Your Payroll Safe

Feb 17, 2014

disaster recovery planRecent storms have been hammering various parts of the country, leaving thousands without power, even now as they continue to recover. These types of unforeseen disasters not only affect people’s personal lives, but they can also severely impact your business…if you are not properly prepared for such an event.

When a disaster does strike a business, the first thing employers are thinking about is how to get up and running again. The last thing they want to worry about is payroll; should you worry that your payroll provider is not able to pay your employees because they too are without power? When it comes to a payroll provider, it’s very important they have a disaster recovery plan to keep payroll records safe. Here are some areas in which GTM Payroll Services makes sure that in case of a disaster, you don’t need to worry.

  1. Redundancy Solutions: The saying goes, “You are only as safe as your last backup.” GTM backs up all your data to a secondary location from their primary location. They also backup to external secured locations. With current technology, having redundancy is very important when it comes to disaster recovery. When IT professionals say “redundancy,” they mean that a system is on standby just in case the main system goes down. Instead of waiting to restore a backup, GTM has a redundant system when it comes to our payroll clients. This eliminates any downtime of access to their data.
  2. Power:  For the same reason to have a redundant network, a payroll company should have redundant power. GTM has redundant power in both primary and secondary locations. As soon as either location loses power from the grid, our generators kick in and keep our systems up and running.
  3. Monitoring:  Instead of waiting for a disaster to happen and trying to deal with it then, is your payroll provider proactive by monitoring its systems? GTM does this on an ongoing and regular basis. This proactive approach allows us to keep our up-time close to 100%.
  4. Data Protection:  In the moment of disaster, everyone is focused on getting everything back up to normal or making sure things stay up and running. One thing they tend to forget about is security. It’s easy to turn off the firewall or anti-virus in moments of disaster; this could make a bad situation much worse. At GTM, we never compromise security for convenience. Our clients’ data is encrypted, the connection to our data is encrypted, and we maintain all security protocols no matter what the situation.

So as many businesses are trying to recover quickly from the unfortunate loss of power, ask your potential payroll provider about the above topics, which illustrate a strong reason why outsourcing your payroll requirements to GTM is a good choice, rather than worrying about being able to pay your employees when your provider is in the midst of a disaster.

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To efficiently manage your payroll, HR, timekeeping, benefits, and more, you need all employee data accessible 24/7 from a secure, cloud-based solution. No duplicate data entry, no importing and exporting. You’ll reduce errors, increase productivity, and save time with isolved, GTM’s payroll and HR platform.

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