Bring Your Own Device to Work (BYOD) Policy

Aug 6, 2014

bring your own device to work (byod) policyNotebooks and pens, step aside. As businesses large and small become increasingly dependent upon electronic devices in the workplace, many are opting toward permitting employees to utilize their personal electronic devices for work purposes. Does your organization allow employees to use their personal cellphones, laptops, etc. for business use? If so, we recommend you implement a Bring Your Own Device to Work (BYOD) policy to ensure employees are still adhering to your usage and security policies while completing company business on their devices.

A BYOD policy can help control usage and mitigate security risks when employees use their own PCs and mobile devices for business tasks, especially when the company’s IT department does not support the devices. Employees may use their own devices to access corporate assets such as social media sites, printers, network drives, documents, and more. This puts company data, intellectual property, and client information at risk from malware, viruses, and theft. The best resolution is to enforce a BYOD policy to ensure your work environment stays secure.

Download our BYOD policy template here. Please contact us if you have any questions.

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