
isolved Employee Engagement

Retain your workforce with our integral employee engagement portal

Employees want tools that help them stay connected, share ideas, seek help, and collaborate. Employers want to improve productivity, find, retain, and develop top talent, and reward innovation and success. Welcome to Share & Perform employee engagement.

Employees are the heart and soul of a company, and what they expect from their employers is continually evolving. To meet business and employee needs, organizations need agile tools to simplify HR management, adapt to evolving industry requirements, and provide a positive employee experience.

Share & Perform, part of the isolved platform, delivers a better work life by doing all of that and more, providing a personalized dashboard, lively feed wall, and tools for idea and knowledge sharing. Use pulse surveys or crowdsource an idea with a team or the entire company. Praise team members when they have their mojo working. Let your key talent earn points and even cool stuff from your company by collaborating, sharing, and helping.

Why use Share & Perform for employee engagement?

It includes features designed to reward innovation and success, recognize your top employees, and engage your workforce in a more effective way.

Meet employees where they are with consumer-grade technology and mobile-first experiences. Retain your best talent and reduce employee turnover and associated costs by increasing employee satisfaction through encouragement and recognition tools. Much of your customers’ experience (and therefore, your business success) is dependent on your employees’ experience.

Share & Perform is a key component for addressing these common challenges:

  • Energizing company culture
  • Connecting virtual teams
  • Increasing operational efficiency & compliance
  • Attracting & retaining top talent
  • Managing rapid growth

Share & Perform allows you to:

  • Set goals that align with the company and monitor progress throughout the entire year
  • Drive improved performance and collaboration through feedback from performance reviews
  • Post to a social-centric feed wall to easily share ideas, praise, and feedback
  • Evaluate and pinpoint your star employees
  • Award points to engaged team members and reward them with cool stuff

Share & Perform employee engagement energizes your culture and truly transforms your company. Download the isolved Share & Perform brochure for more information.

Request a free consultation and demo to learn more about how this technology can help your business grow.

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