Partner With GTM
When You Succeed… We Succeed
Partner with GTM and see how our continued growth and stability is evidenced in part by the long-standing relationships we have developed with our network of business partners. Working closely with numerous local referral partners across a diverse range of industries, GTM continually strives to create mutually ecstatic clients and better serve our community.
Payroll may be a small part of the services that you provide to your clients; however, it can be time consuming without the right tools. GTM will develop a referral program that lets you stay in control of your clients’ payroll while having us do the work. We give you access to all of your clients’ data remotely in an easy to use interface and brand the checks and reports with your company name. Run over 60 payroll-related reports on demand and switch between clients at the click of a mouse. You have complete access to your clients’ data, even across multiple years. Partnering with GTM for payroll services takes the burden out of payroll and lets you focus on your core client services.
Retirement Plan Brokers
As a a trusted, locally owned and operated company that has served area businesses for 30 years, GTM partners with local retirement brokers to provide an exceptional experience for our mutual clients. We can refer businesses to you for their 401(k) needs.
Share and sync data through our 401(k) integration with our HCM platform, streamlining processes and eliminating manual data entry across multiple databases which result in inefficiencies and errors.
Banks and Credit Unions
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