Using Social Media for Recruiting Employees

Mar 9, 2015

using social media for recruiting employeesDo you know what the job search market looked like in 2014?

  • 8,000,000 applicants found their job on Twitter.
  • 93% of recruiters are likely to look at a candidate’s social media profile.
  • 43% of job seekers have used their mobile device to engage in a job search with 7% of all job seekers conducting their job search online while in the restroom.

Large corporations have long utilized online strategies and tools to seek and secure top talent. As technology has evolved towards more cost-effective rates, more and more small to mid-sized employers have begun using social media for recruiting employees; it’s an affordable strategy to find, attract, and select job applicants for their companies’ hiring needs.

In recent years, numerous social media business applications and approaches have emerged to market and promote products and services, as well as companies themselves for employer branding and recruitment purposes. Through social media, employers can gain a wealth of information about specific job candidates.

However, before fully engaging in social recruiting, be clear about your company’s strategy. If the strategy is non-existent or weak, little accountability for results exists. Best strategic practices include:

  • Finding passive candidates. Social media can help you identify and develop relationships with top performers who are not active job-seekers yet.
  • Focusing on talent groups. Participate in groups which share information and engage in dialogue based on common industry interests and certain skilled professions or talents.
  • Facilitating education connections. Students – whether in a college or a vocational program – are highly tied to and accessible through technology such as social media.

Fully familiarize yourself with social media to help keep prospective candidates engaged throughout the recruiting process. When you finally have the real need to hire, you will already have your top candidates right at hand.

For more information, contact GTM at (518) 373-4111.



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