Lt. Gov. Antonio Delgado speaks to GTM staff.

New York Lt. Gov. Antonio Delgado speaks with GTM staff during his visit to the company that also included a discussion with company executives on top issues facing businesses in the state.

New York Lieutenant Governor Antonio Delgado visited GTM headquarters in Clifton Park this week.

Delgado and the firm’s executives discussed several of the top issues facing New York businesses including the eligibility of immigrants to work in the state; sunsetting of COVID sick pay; the state’s Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund deficit and its cost to employers; and state agency response times with the need for a dedicated payroll practitioner line.

Delgado also spoke with the GTM staff and brought up the importance of payroll and human resource services for small businesses in New York, which he considers to be the backbone of the state and its economy. He praised GTM for being “the backbone of the backbone,” leading the way in innovation, delivering exceptional client satisfaction, and creating jobs and opportunities in the Capital Region.

“We are grateful for his kind words and his support for our efforts in assuring our clients’ taxes are appropriately submitted to the state and thank him for taking the time to visit us and for inspiring us to keep growing and serving our customers,” GTM Founder and CEO Guy Maddalone said. “We are also proud of our GTMers who work hard every day to deliver the best payroll, HR, and insurance solutions for our clients.”

Delgado was appointed as lieutenant governor by Governor Kathy Hochul in May 2022. He is from Schenectady, New York; earned a Rhodes Scholarship while attending Colgate University in Hamilton, New York; and after returning home from Oxford, received a law degree from Harvard Law School. Delgado went on to serve in the U.S. House of Representatives, representing New York’s 19th Congressional District. He was the first person of color to represent upstate New York in Congress.

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