4 Steps for Deciding How to Handle FLSA Changes

May 5, 2016

The proposed changes to the white collar exemptions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) are looming large in the minds of many employers. These rules, proposed in June 2015 and expected to be finalized sometime in 2016, would more than double the salary threshold for workers otherwise eligible for a white collar exemption from minimum wage and overtime requirements under the FLSA. Employers will need to decide what course of action to take.

As a compliment to our FLSA Changes: Implementation Guide, this guide focuses on 4 steps for deciding how to handle FLSA changes, including:

  1. Identifying which exempt employees could be affected;
  2. Calculating the hours worked by affected exempt employees;
  3. Considering which compensation strategy is the most appropriate; and
  4. Conducting a compensation analysis for each employee

Download our FLSA Changes: Decision-Making Guide to help you plan your course of action when the new rules go into effect. Whatever decisions you make, try to ensure that they are as impartial as possible and that you’re documenting the business-related reasons for each change.

We’ll be monitoring this issue and providing updates and guidance as necessary to help you through the process. For more information about what GTM can do to help businesses with compliance issues, contact us at (518) 373-4111.

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