More Minimum Wage Increases
Over the past two weeks, several minimum wage increases have been enacted around the country. Michigan Minimum wage will increase from $7.40 to $9.25 per hour over the next four years – an overall increase of 25%. The increase will occur in phases; beginning on...
Hiring a Nanny from Craigslist & Other Online Sites
Many people are familiar with online classified ad sites, such as Craigslist. These are low cost, easy to use, and work much like posting an ad on a college bulletin board or in the local newspaper. These sites also advertise local nannies and families looking for...
Nanny and Au Pair: What’s the Difference?
What is the difference between an au pair and a nanny? An au pair is a foreign national living in the United States as part of the host family, who receives a small stipend in exchange for babysitting and help with housework. Legally authorized to live and work (only...