GTM’s Household Employment Blog
Can I Claim a Nanny on My Taxes?
When preparing your personal tax return, you may be looking for ways to reduce your tax obligation. Can you claim your nanny’s wages for a tax break? Before filing your tax return, here are 8 questions (and one bonus question) to determine if you qualify for tax breaks.
How to Reduce Your Nanny Taxes
You figured out much you owe in nanny taxes when you employ someone to work in your home. Now the good news! Here are seven ways to reduce your nanny taxes that can save money for both you and your employee.
How to Pay a Nanny
You’ve found the right nanny for your family and now you need to figure out how to pay your caregiver. A nanny is a professional with an important role in your family. You’ll need and want to pay your nanny legally. Here’s what you need to know when it comes to paying your nanny on the books.
Illinois Set to Require Paid Leave for Any Reason
Under the Paid Leave for All Workers Act, household employers in Illinois will be required to provide up to 40 hours of paid leave during a designated 12-month period beginning in 2024.
Chicago Now Accepting Applications from Domestic Workers for One-Time $500 Relief Payments
In an effort to help populations that had difficulties accessing and qualifying for federal relief during the COVID-19 pandemic, the city will award payments to up to 7,000 household employees who meet eligibility criteria.
Valentine’s Day Traditions to Start with Your Family
Valentine’s Day is a time to celebrate love. Consider starting Valentine’s Day traditions with your family. Here are some ideas to get you started.
The 8 Most Common Nanny Tax Mistakes Families Make
It is easy to slip up – even unintentionally – when you employ someone like a nanny or housekeeper to work in your home. Here are some typical nanny tax mistakes made by families.
3 Fun Ideas to Celebrate Black History Month with Your Children
As we celebrate Black History Month in February, here are some resources and family activities to help your children understand and appreciate the importance of African-American history.

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