Dec 20, 2019 | Domestic Workers' Rights, Household Employee Management, Labor Laws
Across the country, states and cities enacted a number of laws – from minimum wage increases to paid family and medical leave to domestic worker protections – that had significant impacts on the household employment industry. Here are 11 of the biggest household employment compliance highlights from 2019.
Dec 12, 2019 | Domestic Workers' Rights, Tax & Wage Laws
Our state-by-state guide to 2020 minimum wage rates will help ensure you’re following the law when paying your household employee.
Dec 6, 2019 | Household Payroll & Taxes, Tax & Wage Laws
Employed a household employee like a nanny, housekeeper or in-home senior caregiver this year? Put off your nanny tax obligations? With tax time fast approaching, tax forms and filings will be due soon. Here’s how to get caught up when you’re behind on your nanny taxes.
Dec 2, 2019 | Domestic Workers' Rights, Labor Laws
From protecting employee medical privacy to domestic violence victim leave, several new employment laws will go into effect in New York at various points in the new year. Household employers will need to comply with these seven new laws.
Nov 19, 2019 | Domestic Workers' Rights, Tax & Wage Laws
A California family was sued for not properly paying their live-in caregiver. The case shows how risky and costly it can be to ignore or not understand domestic employment laws and failing to have a work agreement in place that spells out an employee’s hourly rate, overtime rate, and schedule.