GTM’s Household Employment Blog
Is a Nanny Share the Right Childcare Choice for You During the Pandemic?
Trying to figure out childcare during the pandemic? Forming a nanny share could be a way to reduce the costs of private, in-home care while also providing a safer environment than a daycare center. Here’s why a nanny share may be a smart choice and how to start one.
Amid Pandemic, Au Pairs Suspended from Entering the United States
A recent proclamation from the White House suspends most aliens and immigrants – including au pairs – from entering the country through December 31, 2020, unless they already have a valid visa.
Preparing to Work as a Nanny During the Pandemic
While we are slowly getting “back to normal,” we still need to be wary that the pandemic is not over, and the risk of infection is real. In a competitive job market, what does that mean for those looking to work as a nanny during the health crisis? Here are 9 steps to take right now and 4 things to expect when you are on the job.
Helpful Tips When Employing a Nanny During the Pandemic
Parents are starting to return to their offices for work leaving questions about childcare during the pandemic. If you’re considering bringing back or employing a nanny for the first time, follow these four tips to help create a safe work environment for your caregiver.
Philadelphia’s Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights is Now in Effect
Under a new law in the city of Philadelphia, nannies and other domestic workers are now required to receive written employment contracts, meal and rest breaks, paid leave, and other protections. Learn what you need to do as a household employer.
How to Successfully Work from Home with a Nanny
With the proper planning and good communication, you can create a successful work-from-home situation that benefits you, your children, and your nanny. Here’s how.
Nanny v. Daycare in a COVID-19 World
As parents return to work in their offices, they have decisions to make on childcare. Should they bring their children to daycare or look for other options like a nanny for private, in-home care?
Now More than Ever: Legal Pay is Necessary for All Household Employees
Paying household employees “on the books” is always the right and smart thing to do. The benefits and protections for families and their employees far outweigh any perceived financial savings from skirting tax and other obligations. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought all of this into crystal-clear focus.
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