GTM’s Household Employment Blog
Dangers of Hiring Without Background Checks
The dangers of hiring without background checks being performed range from theft to physical harm. All of which may be avoided by thoroughly checking an employment candidate’s background.
Hiring a Nanny Through an Agency
Household employers hire staff to make life more convenient, easier, and fun—enabling the employer to direct his or her energies toward enjoying his or her family or home. Hiring a nanny through an agency can help make this happen.
Penalties for Misclassifying Your Domestic Worker
It is very important that an employer knows the difference between worker classifications, so that taxes are filed properly and you can avoid the penalties for misclassifying your domestic worker.
Revised Form I-9 Coming Soon
A revised form I-9 is coming soon from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Beginning on September 18, 2017, all employers – including household employers – must use the revised form.
Travel Technology for Families
Here are a couple of pieces of travel technology for families that you may find useful when it comes to vacation schedules and home safety.
Minimum Wage Increases Effective July 1, 2017
There are several cities and states with minimum wage increases effective July 1, 2017. Household employers should make sure they are complying with these increases.
Everything You Need to Know about New York’s Paid Family Leave Program
New York State employers — including household employers — will be required to provide paid family leave to their employees beginning January 1, 2018. Here’s everything you need to know about this new program.
Indoor Activities for a Rainy Summer Day
Rain during summer can be a little depressing, especially for kids. But here are some fun indoor activities for a rainy summer day to keep them smiling!
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