GTM’s Household Employment Blog
Philadelphia’s Domestic Workers’ Bill of Rights is Now in Effect
Under a new law in the city of Philadelphia, nannies and other domestic workers are now required to receive written employment contracts, meal and rest breaks, paid leave, and other protections. Learn what you need to do as a household employer.
How to Successfully Work from Home with a Nanny
With the proper planning and good communication, you can create a successful work-from-home situation that benefits you, your children, and your nanny. Here’s how.
Nanny v. Daycare in a COVID-19 World
As parents return to work in their offices, they have decisions to make on childcare. Should they bring their children to daycare or look for other options like a nanny for private, in-home care?
Now More than Ever: Legal Pay is Necessary for All Household Employees
Paying household employees “on the books” is always the right and smart thing to do. The benefits and protections for families and their employees far outweigh any perceived financial savings from skirting tax and other obligations. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has brought all of this into crystal-clear focus.
A Message from GTM Payroll Services: Where We Stand
GTM Payroll Services has always cherished contributions from all human beings regardless of their ethnicity, creed, or origin. Unfortunately, racial injustice, including in our criminal justice system, and income inequality does exist in the U.S. The toll this takes on our minority communities is not acceptable.
Screening an Employee’s Temperature Upon Return to Work
How can you safely return your nanny to work or bring a new employee into your home? Screening an employee’s temperature is one step you can take. Here’s how to do it the right way.
How to Make a Tax-Free Payment Towards Your Nanny’s Student Loans
The CARES Act temporarily adds qualified student loan payments as acceptable tax-free contributions to education-related employee benefits.
Returning to Work in Massachusetts
As part of an executive order from Governor Charlie Baker, nannies and other household employees may return to work in Massachusetts provided families comply with state mandatory safety standards for their homes.

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