While providing employee benefits is largely optional and seldom required by law, employee benefits greatly help the household employer attract and retain high-level employees. To get and keep the most talented employees, employers must treat employees like...
September 21-27 is National Nanny Recognition Week 2014! During this week, families, businesses, and the media are encouraged to focus on the positive aspects of the nanny profession, the important role nannies play in the lives of the families, and the wonderful...
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on a job applicant’s or employee’s religion. But did you know that federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws may also require household employers to provide religious accommodations for household...
Question: If your nanny or other household employee gets married and asks you to start issuing paychecks in their married name, what are your record-keeping responsibilities? When an employee officially changes their name for marriage or any reason, the employee needs...
A nanny or other employee who works in your home is responsible for reporting and paying required payroll taxes. It is worth making sure that they are aware of their responsibilities at the start of employment, if they do not already know. As a nanny, or other...