W-2 or Independent Contractor?
Understand the difference between classifying household workers (such as nannies and caregivers) as 1099 contractors vs. W-2 employees. Misclassification has serious legal and financial consequences.
Understand the difference between classifying household workers (such as nannies and caregivers) as 1099 contractors vs. W-2 employees. Misclassification has serious legal and financial consequences.
The U.S. DOL recently released a final rule designed to reduce the risk of employees being misclassified as independent contractors, which can be an issue for families with household help. Here’s what this all means for household employers.
One of the most common questions (and misunderstandings) surrounding household employment is whether a family can provide their nanny a 1099 at tax time and consider them an independent contractor rather than a household employee. The short answer is “no.” Here’s why and answers to other questions you may have.
The International Nanny Association just released its latest Salary and Benefits Survey and the trends show that more and more nannies are being paid legally and gaining the standard benefits found in traditional workplaces. This means families may find it increasingly difficult to hire a nanny “off the books.” Here are our seven observations from the survey.
When preparing your personal tax return, you may be looking for ways to reduce your tax obligation. Can you claim your nanny’s wages for a tax break? Before filing your tax return, here are 8 questions (and one bonus question) to determine if you qualify for tax breaks.