Hourly or Salary? What’s the Best Way to Pay My Nanny?
Understand the differences between hourly and salary pay for nannies. Get practical guidance on calculating pay, overtime, guaranteed hours, and payroll cycles.
Understand the differences between hourly and salary pay for nannies. Get practical guidance on calculating pay, overtime, guaranteed hours, and payroll cycles.
Ensuring legal compliance when employing a nanny is crucial. Learn about essential tax documents like W-2s, W-3s, and Schedule H. Discover potential consequences of non-compliance and how to avoid them.
Our guide breaks down the essential steps to pay your nanny legally. From determining pay rates and classifying your nanny as an employee to understanding tax obligations and workers’ compensation, we’ve got you covered. Ensure a smooth and compliant employment relationship with your nanny.
Hiring household employees comes with responsibilities and legal obligations. Understand the essential aspects of hiring household employees, employment taxes, and how to ensure a smooth and lawful employment relationship.
By 2020, 54 million people in the U.S. will be over the age of 65; by 2040, that number will top 82 million. We can see the growing demand for senior care is critical in our lives and so it will continue.