The Massachusetts paid sick leave law begins on July 1, 2015. It requires that all employers in Massachusetts – including household employers – provide 40 hours of sick leave to employees annually. This new requirement, which is a result of the passage of...
Also known as the Healthy Workplaces, Healthy Families Act of 2014, the new law requires all employers – including household employers – to provide paid sick leave in California to all employees beginning on July 1, 2015. The law provides that an employee who works in...
To get and keep the most talented employees, employers must treat nannies and other household employees like professionals. Therefore, offering employee benefits is an important consideration for all household employers. By providing an attractive employee benefits...
While often purchased through independent means, long term care (LTC) insurance as an employee benefit is being offered more often by employers. Under this LTC policy, services to meet LTC needs such as adult day care, home health, skilled nursing care, and custodial...
The International Nanny Association (INA) just released the results of their most recent nanny salary survey (2014 Nanny Salary and Benefits Survey), which are summarized below. An interesting note about the 2014 survey is that it was the first time that international...