Jun 26, 2020 | COVID-19, Hiring an Employee
Trying to figure out childcare during the pandemic? Forming a nanny share could be a way to reduce the costs of private, in-home care while also providing a safer environment than a daycare center. Here’s why a nanny share may be a smart choice and how to start one.
Dec 23, 2019 | Household Employee Management, Household Employer Policies
Before we move on to the new year, let’s take a look back. From using an accountant to do your nanny taxes to writing nanny share contracts to letting your nanny go the right way, here are our top 10 most popular household employment blog posts of 2019. Catch up on what you may have missed!
Jun 7, 2019 | Household Employer Policies
In many ways, a nanny share contract is no different than a typical nanny contract. You’ll detail the basics like pay, hours, schedule, benefits, and paid time off. However, there are some nuances to a nanny share that need to be spelled out in the contract so there’s no confusion down the road.
Feb 14, 2019 | Household Payroll & Taxes, Tax & Wage Laws
It may make sense to just hand over your tax and payroll responsibilities to your accountant and let them manage it all. However, there are some considerations before going this route. Here are six reasons why you may want to use a payroll service rather than your accountant to handle your nanny tax and payroll obligations.
Sep 14, 2018 | Hiring an Employee
Families enjoy the benefits of a nanny share such as personalized, in-home care for their children while sharing the costs with another family.