W-2 or Independent Contractor?
Understand the difference between classifying household workers (such as nannies and caregivers) as 1099 contractors vs. W-2 employees. Misclassification has serious legal and financial consequences.
Understand the difference between classifying household workers (such as nannies and caregivers) as 1099 contractors vs. W-2 employees. Misclassification has serious legal and financial consequences.
If you employed a household employee and paid them $2,700 or more in 2024, you are required to complete and submit a Schedule H along with your Form 1040.
Are you a working parent with a nanny? You may be eligible for significant tax breaks. We will break down the two main options.
As a responsible employer, paying your nanny’s taxes is essential. It offers significant benefits for both you and your nanny, all of which outweigh the cost of paying illegally.
One of the hardest parts of hiring a nanny could be negotiating a pay rate. With the proper preparation and mindset, negotiating pay with your nanny will be just like a conversation. Here are some tips on how to negotiate your nanny’s pay.