Do You Share the Same COVID-19 Risk Tolerance as Your Nanny?
Employing or planning to hire a nanny? Make sure you and your caregiver have a similar COVID-19 risk tolerance to avoid any potential safety issues during their employment.
Employing or planning to hire a nanny? Make sure you and your caregiver have a similar COVID-19 risk tolerance to avoid any potential safety issues during their employment.
Many families are forming multi-family learning pods or pandemic pods to either supervise online learning or supplement traditional learning during the pandemic. While the focus of this type of home learning is the children’s education, families should take time to understand the tax and legal aspects of jointly hiring a private teacher.
While we are slowly getting “back to normal,” we still need to be wary that the pandemic is not over, and the risk of infection is real. In a competitive job market, what does that mean for those looking to work as a nanny during the health crisis? Here are 9 steps to take right now and 4 things to expect when you are on the job.