GTM’s Household Employment Blog

Trump’s Plan to Cut Childcare Costs Moves Forward

Trump’s Plan to Cut Childcare Costs Moves Forward

As Inauguration Day draws near, we’re getting a clearer picture of President-elect Donald Trump’s priorities when he takes office. Reducing childcare costs was a centerpiece of Trump’s proposed tax plan during the campaign. It remains a focal point as he seeks...

Trump Tax Plan: What it Means for Domestic Employers

Trump Tax Plan: What it Means for Domestic Employers

Now that President-elect Trump will take residence in the White House a few short weeks from now, let’s take a closer look at the Trump tax plan and how it impacts families that have child care. Trump’s proposal to help reduce the costs of child care could also impact...

Voting Leave for Household Employees

Voting Leave for Household Employees

With 2016’s Election Day right around the corner, employers may not be aware of the laws regarding voting leave for household employees. How much time do you need to allow for your nanny to vote, and does it have to be paid time?

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