What is the California Earned Income Tax Credit?
If you are a household employer in California, when you and your employee(s) file your 2015 state and federal tax returns, you or your employee may be eligible to claim a new state tax credit called the California Earned Income Tax Credit (CalEITC).

2016 Household Employment Laws
It’s a new year, and with that come changes or new laws and regulations that impact employers across the country, including household employers. Here is a brief overview of 2016 household employment laws. Minimum Wage Minimum wage changes have already occurred in...
W-2s for Household Employees
It’s that time of year again – tax season! Many household employers may have questions regarding W-2s for household employees. Please see the answers below to some of the most commonly asked questions. Q: Does my nanny receive a 1099 form? A: No. Household...
Oregon Sick Leave Law to Take Effect
Under the new Oregon sick leave law beginning January 1, 2016, Oregon employers will be required to provide up to 40 hours of sick time each year, depending on how many hours an employee works. Who Is Covered? The law applies to most employees—exempt, non-exempt,...