Oct 6, 2023 | GTM Blog, Household Payroll & Taxes, Tax & Wage Laws
Paying a nanny “on the books,” as opposed to “under the table” simply means you are doing things the right way and treating your nanny as a professional caregiver. You are paying them according to applicable tax, wage, and labor laws and withholding and remitting taxes appropriately. Here’s how.
Sep 27, 2023 | GTM Blog, Household Payroll & Taxes, Tax & Wage Laws
With complex tax, wage, and labor laws, there is a lot that goes into paying your nanny. Rather than take on the stress and burden of paying your nanny legally, not to mention the time involved, many families sign up with a nanny payroll service. Here’s how to find the best nanny payroll services to make sure your nanny is paid legally and compliance is taken care of.
Sep 8, 2023 | GTM Blog, Household Payroll & Taxes, Tax & Wage Laws
What can you expect to pay in taxes when you hire a nanny? While all household employers pay taxes to the IRS, your total nanny tax obligation will depend on your state. We break it all down so you can understand how much you may pay in nanny taxes.
Aug 25, 2023 | Employee Health Benefits, GTM Blog, Hiring an Employee
Providing pre-tax health benefits to your nanny can come at virtually no cost to you. Here’s how it works when offering your employee a QSEHRA to cover their health care costs.
Jul 31, 2023 | GTM Blog, Hiring an Employee
Finding a nanny is one of the most significant (and maybe toughest) decisions you will make as a parent of young children. The hiring process can be stressful and, at the same time, exciting. While it’s important to know where to find nannies for your job, focusing on “the how” will help you hire the ideal caregiver for your children.
Jul 27, 2023 | GTM Blog, Parenting
Welcoming a newborn into your family is a joyous occasion. It also comes with significant responsibilities, such as ensuring your infant’s health and properly using your health care benefits. Here are answers to seven important questions about your newborn’s health coverage.