Household Employee Benefits Checklist

Here are some key areas to consider when offering household employee benefits to your nanny, housekeeper, or other domestic workers.

  • Investigate health benefit options to see which ones best fit your employee’s needs and your budget.
  • For the benefit of your family and employee, calculate the amount of paid time off to be offered to your employees.
  • Set regular review periods for salary changes and bonuses, and make sure employees know when these will occur.
  • Be clear with your worker about the extra benefits they receive while working within the household including the use of facilities and property.
  • Consider providing your employee with a mileage reimbursement or a gas card to help with their commute or with transporting children.
  • Think about developing a transportation policy. You may, perhaps, provide an auto club membership to your employee who drives as part of their job or periodically provide for the vehicle in use to be maintained with a tune-up and oil change.
  • Consider adding special benefits to help your employee. You may establish an employee assistance plan or gift certificate to a spa/health club as a way to help your employee de-stress.
  • Consider providing your employee with scheduled free time each week for them to make personal errands and phone calls.

We are here to help in your efforts to provide household employee benefits. Feel free to call us at (800) 929-9213 or email [email protected] with your questions on household employee benefits.

Also, download The Complete Guide to Household Payroll. It will help you every step of the way and explain everything you need to do. There’s even a handy checklist and payroll calendar at the end of the guide to use as references.

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