Paying a Nanny on the Books

Paying a Nanny on the Books

Paying a nanny “on the books,” as opposed to “under the table” simply means you are doing things the right way and treating your nanny as a professional caregiver. You are paying them according to applicable tax, wage, and labor laws and withholding and remitting taxes appropriately. Here’s how.

How to Find a Nanny That’s a Perfect Fit for Your Family

How to Find a Nanny That’s a Perfect Fit for Your Family

Finding a nanny is one of the most significant (and maybe toughest) decisions you will make as a parent of young children. The hiring process can be stressful and, at the same time, exciting. While it’s important to know where to find nannies for your job, focusing on “the how” will help you hire the ideal caregiver for your children.

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